
    Have Question Feel Free to Contact Us?

    Contact Information

    Phone No: US (+17862381213)

    Apt 2503, 665 NE 25th St Miami, FL 33137 United States

    Email Address: [email protected]

    Got a question?

    If you have a question for us, see if we’ve answered it below. You’ll find answers
    to the questions people ask us about the most.

    Florida Green Improvements provides a wide range of home improvement services, including roofing, solar panel installation, impact-resistant windows and doors, HVAC upgrades, and more.
    Solar panel installation offers numerous benefits, including significant savings on energy bills, reduced environmental impact, potential tax incentives, and increased property value.
    Yes, we prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility in our product selection. Our offerings, such as energy-efficient windows, solar panels, and roofing materials, are designed to minimize environmental impact.
    Yes, we understand that home improvement projects can be a significant investment. That's why we provide flexible financing options to help make our services more accessible to customers.
    The duration of a project can vary depending on its complexity and scope. We strive to complete projects efficiently while maintaining high-quality workmanship. Our team will provide you with a timeline estimate during the consultation phase.